Shoulders are a vital piece of your body as they’re used in almost every action and or exercise. If you workout your biceps, back, chest, or triceps you’re almost always using your shoulders. Shoulder injuries are very common, especially for those that don’t train their shoulders regularly. Through this workout you’ll isolate your shoulders and strengthen them. This will not only look good, but you’ll notice that stronger shoulders will aid in your other trainings and workouts.

If it’s your first time doing these workouts make sure to practice without weights or with light weights before increasing. For workouts like the front and lateral raises, it is especially important that you go for volume (quantity) and not for heavy weights. This will prevent any potential injury. You can also use a spotter for your workouts especially when doing heavier shoulder press exercises.

All in all, this workout will give you nice, strong shoulders that will look great in a tank. Happy exercising!

Exercise no. 1

Upright Rows

4 sets of 10 reps

There are many variations to this exercise, however, we’ll go over two here.

  1. Start by picking an EZ bar with your desired amount of weight or by adding an EZ bar to a low pulley.
  2. With your feet shoulder width apart and your legs slightly bent. Hold the EZ bar or EZ bar pulley in your hands with your palms facing down and towards each other following the natural curve of the bar. You should be holding the bar close to your body with your arms extended downward.
  3. Exhale while pulling the bar vertically up. Your elbows should kick out to your sides.
  4. Pause for a moment at the top of the movement then inhale while slowly letting the bar back down.
  5. Repeat for the desired amount reps.
Exercise no. 2

Shoulder Press

4 sets of 10 reps

  1. Start by picking two dumbbells that will allow you to complete the desired number of reps. Sit on a utility or military press bench that will give you back support and place both dumbbells on your thoughts. Grip the dumbbells with your palms facing each other.
  2. Use your thighs to kick the weights up to shoulder height on either side. Your wrists should be rotated so that the palm of your hands are facing forward.
  3. Exhale while pushing (“pressing”) the dumbbells up until your arms are almost fully extended and the two flat sides of the dumbbell touch.
  4. Pause, then inhale while moving the weights back down to shoulder height.
  5. Repeat for the desired number of reps.
  6. Once you’re done with your set, rotate and lower the dumbbells back onto your thighs to prevent injury.
Exercise no. 3

Rear Delt Flyes

4 sets of 10 reps

  1. Stand with your legs about hip-width apart and hold a dumbbell in each hand. Pick a weight that enables you to execute the reps that are suggested.
  2. This is the starting position. Bend your torso forward and bend your legs slightly so that your arms extend below your body with your hand facing each other as you hold the dumbbells.
  3. Exhale and lift your arms out to your sides with your hands facing down, squeezing your shoulder blades together during this movement. Don’t round your spine or move your head.
  4. Inhale and gently lower your arms to the starting position. This completes one repetition.
Exercise no. 4

Lateral Raises

4 sets of 10 reps on each arm

  1. Start by picking a pair of dumbbells that will allow you to complete the recommended number of reps. Stand straight with your feet about shoulder width apart with a slight bend in your knees.
  2. Keep your torso upright and your back straight while holding both dumbbells on to your sides. The inside of your hands should be facing each other and your fist should be facing downwards almost as if you’re going to punch the ground.
  3. Lift the both dumbbell up directly up towards your sides until your arms are slightly above your shoulders. Your elbow should be slightly bent but the rest of your arm should.
Exercise no. 5

Front Raises

4 sets of 10 reps on each arm

Front raises are a great way to strengthen and condition your shoulders.

  1. Start by picking a pair of dumbbells that will allow you to complete the recommended number of reps. Stand straight with your feet about shoulder width apart with a slight bend in your knees.
  2. Keep your torso upright and your back straight while holding both dumbbells on the front portion of your thighs. The outside of your hand should be facing forward, almost like you’re punching towards the ground.
  3. Lift the right dumbbell up directly in front of you until your arm is slightly above your shoulder. Your elbow should be slightly bent but the rest of your arm should remain straight. Exhale through this entire movement. Tip: If you feel the urge to swing the weight up or use your back to help with this movement, it’s a good indication that you may need to decrease the weight as this can cause injury.
  4. Slowly bring the weight back down to your starting position.
  5. Now repeat with your other arm to complete one rep. Switch off until you’ve finished the recommended number of reps.
Exercise no. 6

Face Pulls

4 sets of 10 reps

Use a rope attachment on a high pulley. Sit a few steps away from the pulley holding each end of the rope attachment in each of your hands. Bend your knees as if you’re in the row position, and place the end of your feet flat on the floor in front of the pulley or on the pulley column.

  1. Keep your back and torso straight. Exhaling through, pull the cable towards your face naturally bending your elbows out. Your arms should be in an almost “T” shape with your body.
  2. Hold this pose for a second then slowly ease the cable back to your starting position inhaling during the process.

Kiyan Sheikh

My goal is to inspire others to reach their fitness goals and become a confident, better version of themselves. Being fit doesn’t just mean going from fatty to lean, people that are lean also need help increasing things like their cardio or endurance.
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Jael Lopez

I'm a 1x overall champion, and sponsored by WNC, having performed at multiple shows and trained multiple clients. My goal is to inspire people all over the world achieve their fitness goals.
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Lalayena Peralta

I am a firm believer that fitness should be attainable for everyone and anyone. Push past your current mindset and enter a state where you believe in yourself to reach your full potential.
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