A Collagen Diet: A Must for All

Being resolute, feeling confident, and trusting in yourself – these are the ways to feel your best. Every woman who stands focused in front of a mirror would vouch for the fact that beauty tips would play an important part in impressing others. However, will not go on a collagen diet be far better than spending a fortune on beauty parlors? Everything cannot be instantaneous, beauty should be nurtured over a while so that one looks the best. Thus a collagen diet is of paramount importance.

What is Collagen?

Collagen is a familiar term for structural proteins for skin and connective tissue. A diet consisting of plenty of collagen, though not proven is said to improve skin and beauty. On the contrary, reduction in collagen due to aging may lead to skin and hair problems. Collagen forms about 30% of the protein in the human body. Collagen consists of 19 amino acids and there are 29 types of them. 

Collagen in the Human bodyLocated in
Type ISkin, tendons, bones, ligaments, teeth, and some connective tissues.
Type IICartilage and Eyes.
Type IIISkin, muscles, and blood vessels.

How Does a Collagen Diet Profit You?

A lot of good can be derived by following a collagen diet and/or collagen supplements by individuals who advocate this method. The claims include

  • Structure and strength to bones
  • Cures joint pains
  • Upgrades skin health
  • Supports muscle mass
  • Stimulates hair and nail growth
  • Reduces hair loss
  • Provides elasticity to the skin

Studies reveal that collagen either in the natural form or through supplements would add moisture to the skin, reduce the wrinkles, and improve elasticity. The skin could be protected from sunburns and excessive exposure to sunlight by using effective skin creams containing collagen. Consumption of collagen decreases the stiffness of arteries and ‘bad cholesterol’ levels. Overall it supports heart health. 

A Collagen Diet: A Must for All

Presence of Collagen:

Vitamin CCitrus fruits, bell peppers, berries, tomatoes, leafy greens, Tropical fruits
CopperMeat, cashews, avocados
ZincBeans, chickpeas, lentils, seafood
ProlineEgg whites, dairy products
GlycineChicken, pork
HydroxyprolineOrgan meats, offal, bone broth

A few nutrients that could boost the body’s natural production and could benefit to a great extent, are derived from food and supplements. These will be based on three important factors vitamin c, iron, and omega-3 fatty acids. Plant sources of proline and glycine derived mainly from legumes, spirulina, and blue-green algae and marine red algae could substitute for gelatin in vegan desserts. These foods are supposed to improve skin elasticity, anti-aging, and also help in joints pain. When consumed, collagen cannot be assimilated and broken into amino acids. On the contrary, the consumption of collagen does not assure that new collagen will be replenished. Therefore the use of creams, capsules, and supplement powder containing collagen could be suggested.

A Collagen Diet: A Must for All

Things Collagen is Capable of:

It can assist in burning calories, making you overall tougher, and unwinding your tension levels to a great extent. Elderly people who consumed an optimal quantity of collagen observed that they had recovered from their joint pains to a great deal. The glycine, in these proteins, had a very soothing effect and thus leads to a night of deeper and sound sleep. Also, the collagen in reducing the stress level has a remarkable effect on the gut, leading to very minimal damage to the system.

Increasing Collagen Levels in Your Body:

If you are a vegan, you would think of an alternative such as collagen powder and supplements. But be cautious to start on a small dosage, and if found effective, you could settle in for larger doses. If you are planning to improve your workout regimen, the supplement could strengthen your muscle mass. Supplementing a balanced diet with proteins, vitamins, and minerals collagen – enhancing brew, i.e. bone broth, preferably from organic – raised animals, could be consumed.

A Collagen Diet: A Must for All

Is it Reliable?

Collagen supplements, when broken into amino acids, facilitate the making of tablets capsules and powders which are easily absorbable. Supplements when consumed more than 20 grams per day could be harmful. Thus it would be prudent to check the ingredients while buying and also in consultation with a doctor.

What if the Collagen Level Starts Deteriorating?

In aging, the generation of collagen reduces drastically which results in a decrease in skin elasticity and epidermal thickness. A reduced collagen level may hamper hair growth and lead to hair thinning. It would also cause the formation of wrinkles, shrinking of muscles, and the debilitating ailment of osteoarthritis due to worn-out cartilage.

Elements that Trouble Collagen:

Following factors could affect collagen

  • Smoking
  • Too much exposure to sunlight
  • Intake of sugar and refined carbs
  • Autoimmune disorders such as lupus, scleroderma, etc.

Frequent use of dyes could endanger the natural collagen and ultimately affect the root hairs and scalp.

Some Downsides:

There are very few shortcomings in this diet like 

  • Collagen supplements may leave a persistent bad taste in the mouth
  • A feeling of fullness and heartburn
  • Allergic problems
  • Diarrhoea
  • Rashes

For quite some time now a myth that is being circulated widely is that collagen applied to the skin directly in the form of skin creams, medicated ointments, and moisturizers containing collagen could nourish the skin as a whole and thus boost collagen levels. But in reality, the collagen molecules are too big to enter into the lower layers of the skin, and hence, this thought process may be a futile exercise and leading to investment in these creams may end up in a waste of money.

A Collagen Diet: A Must for All

Your natural collagen diminishes from 30 years onwards, so it’s necessary to replenish it regularly. Awareness of the importance of collagen is becoming a health fad, but maximum benefits could be derived in reality. Generally speaking, people should not have major side effects and consequences of using collagen. Summing up with all the myths and negative effects hovering all around, collagen levels in the human system is of at most importance to healthy living. 

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