The Nutritarian Diet: Eat to Live

The amount of nutrients you consume per calorie determines the weight you would gain. As the name suggests the diet stresses on consuming foods that provide you nutrition. The Nutritarian diet concentrates on eating food to live and not because you have enough to eat. So, stop overeating and with the right information about the diet, you will be able to lose weight as well as have a healthy lifestyle. 

The Nutritarian Diet: Eat to Live

What is the Nutritarian Diet?

The Nutritarian diet promotes the consumption of gluten-free, plant-rich foods whereas it limits the consumption of high-calorie and processed foods. There are various programs formulated by the Nutritarian diet. One of which is losing 20 pounds of weight in 6 weeks while another helps you to lose 10 pounds of weight over 20 days. 

Foods to eat:

The Nutritarian diet promotes the consumption of minimally processed foods and also excluded the intake of high-calorie foods. The foods included in this diet are:

  • Vegetables – all vegetables, raw or cooked (no starchy vegetables like the potatoes)
  • Fresh fruits – all fruits can be added and dry fruits should be free from added sugar.
  • Nuts and seeds – all nuts and seeds without the addition of salt.
  • Legumes – beans, peas, and lentils that are minimally processed.
  • Non-factory-farmed animals products – small quantities ( two servings per week)
  • Whole grains – small quantities

Foods to avoid:

The Nutritarian diet strictly prohibits the consumption of certain foods which includes:

  • Factory-farmed animal products – poultry, seafood, eggs, etc.
  • Processed foods –processed fruit products, pastries, fried, and packed foods
  • Sweets – candies, honey, maple, and table sugar
  • Oils – olive oil, avocado oil, flaxseed oil, and other foods cooked with oil
  • Drinks – alcohol, beer, wine, liquor, and even caffeine products are strictly banned.

The Nutritarian Diet: Eat to Live

The Percentage Ranges of Foods:

The Nutritarian diet gives a simple equation to have long term health. 

H=N/C, where H is your health, N is the nutrient you intake and C is the number of calories consumed.

The diet gives a percentage range of total calories for each group that you would follow every day.

Group Percentage
Vegetables 30-60%
Fruits 10-40%
Legumes 10-40%
Nuts and seeds 10-40%
Whole grains About 20%
Animal products (Non-factory-farmed) Under 10%
Minimally processed foods Under 10%
Sweets Minimal
Factory-farmed dairy products Minimal

Vegetables can be consumed in unlimited quantities and this excludes potatoes. The intake of a lot of raw vegetables is most recommended. About 3-5 servings of fresh fruits should be consumed daily. Legumes like beans should be consumed around 85 grams per day. Those who are aiming to lose weight are not nominated to consume nuts, seeds, and avocados. People who particularly follow this diet to lose weight are also urged to limit cooked starches to reach their optimal body mass. Meat, seafood, and dairy products should be avoided or can be taken in very small amounts. 

The Nutritarian diet does not encourage snacking and also minimizes the intake of salt. Fruit drinks, soda, oily foods, white flour, and refined carbs are forbidden in this diet. If you have a particular nutrient deficiency you are allowed to add the food rich in that nutrient. 

Sample meal plan:

Breakfast – Tropical fruits

Pineapple + mangoes + papaya + shredded coconut + ground flax seeds

Lunch – green salad

Cucumber + mushrooms + carrots + bell pepper + chickpeas + cherry tomatoes + avocado + peaches + unsalted pistachios 

Dinner – lentil dahl and green salad

Red lentil dahl + apple slices + celery + raisins + red onion + balsamic vinegar

The Nutritarian Diet: Eat to Live

Benefits of the Nutritarian Diet:

The Nutritarian diet has a large impact on slowing down the aging process, increasing lifespan, and also helps to prevent chronic illness such as diabetes and heart-related disease. 

Aids heart health:

High cholesterol and blood pressure levels are reduced, thereby various heart issues also can be prevented.

Stabilize blood sugar levels:

The Nutritarian diet promotes only low-glycemic foods that have got low sugar content. Low-glycemic foods reduce blood sugar levels and effectively protects against type 2 diabetes.

Helps you live longer:

The Nutritarian diet contains healthy fats and low processed foods which may help you increase your lifespan. Consumption of plant-based foods helps you fight against chronic diseases, therefore, helps you sustain healthy for longer.

Downsides of the Nutritarian Diet:

Though the Nutritarian diet has proven to be healthy, it has also got some drawbacks too.

Unsustainable diet:

The Nutritarian diet has got very strict regulations that are difficult to be followed in the long run. Some of the restrictions are observed to be unnecessary. Researches debate that foods like meat, eggs, and dairy products are found to contain a lot of essential nutrients that are required for good health. 

Regains your weight:

This diet helps you to lose weight very quickly by reducing the number of calories consumed. However, reducing your calories slows down the body’s metabolism rate and may increase the risk of regaining your lost weight or sometimes even more.

Is Weight Loss Possible?

The Nutritarian diet aids in losing body weight are being proved for several reasons. The amount of calories consumed is reduced by limiting high-calorie foods like meat, dairy, oily, and processed foods. Plant-rich foods contain high fiber content in them which helps you reduce cravings and hunger. Importantly, certain fibers like pectins, beta-glucans, and guar gum are seen in plant foods such as fruits and vegetables. These fibers are found to keep you full, hence, this diet allows you to eat unlimited vegetables.

The Nutritarian diet compels you to eat only at mealtimes that is, avoid snacking. Take time to select fresh vegetables and fruits, wash them properly before you consume them. Stop eating when you are satisfied and before you feel full. Sweeteners, oils, and processed foods should be avoided. Replace at least one of your meals with a salad. Commitment to this pattern of eating would be hard, but you have to strongly say no to certain kinds of food items for good health and long levity. 

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