If you are on Instagram, TikTok, or any popular social media, then you will know what bubble tea is. In case you don’t, you have missed out on one of the biggest food trends that hit the world. Originating from Taiwan, this beverage has taken over the world. It now has legions of fans in all corners of the globe. So, what’s so special about bubble tea, how is it made, and what are the best bubble teas in the market? Here’s your ultimate guide to the best bubble teas out there!

What is Bubble Tea?
Bubble tea or Boba tea is essentially a cold tea or type of cold brew that contains tapioca balls in it. These tapioca balls, called Boba, resemble bubbles, giving the drink its name. However, after its claim to fame, the market has expanded by introducing several new flavors and additions to the original. The base of a bubble tea is usually green tea, or sometimes even fruit juice, depending on which flavor you choose. Bubble tea shops also serve bubble tea-inspired smoothies, lattes, and slushies which contain the boba balls. Moreover, these beverages come with a variety of toppings, including mousse, jelly, chocolate, marshmallow, candy, and even coffee.
Growth of Bubble Tea
Bubble tea, better known as Boba Tea is the newest food trend out of Taiwan. After originating in Taiwan in the late 1980s, it has had a steep rise in fans all around the world. Over the past 20 years, bubble tea manufacturers have been bringing it to North America, and their efforts seemed to have genuinely taken off. Dubbed the most popular food trend of 2018, the bubble tea is now immensely popular with Americans. The drink first became a hit in Asia, with the bubble tea market being expected to hit $1 billion soon enough. While the market is most influential in the Asia Pacific region, North America and the US, in particular, are becoming new hotspots for this trendy drink.

Best Bubble Tea Companies In the Market
While some of the oldest and biggest bubble tea manufacturers are based in Taiwan, new shops have sprung up over the world. Here’s a look at the best bubble tea companies in the world.
- Bubble Tea Supply – Founded in 2001, this Haiwai-based company brought the boba tea to American shores. The company provides ingredients, equipment, recipes, and supplies to its customers.
- Chatime – One of the most well known and best bubble tea brands out there Chatime started in Taiwan in 2005. It then expanded to Australia four years later, and then quickly spread to the rest of the world. The company has over 1000 stores around the world, with an extensive menu that has different flavors and combinations.
- CoCo Fresh – This bubble tea company opened its first store in Taipei, way back in 1997. Twenty years later, it has grown into a brand that has over 3500 stores worldwide, serving a large number of products.
- Fanale Drinks – An American company that started its journey in California, Fanale now supplies ingredients, recipes, equipment, and even custom printed cups to its fans.
- Kung Fu Tea – This American giant started with a small store in New York in 2009, but has since grown to become one of the best bubble tea companies in the world. It now has stores all over the US and even abroad in Canada, Japan, Cambodia, Australia, and Taiwan.
What Makes Bubble Tea Special?
One of the best things about boba tea is the way it looks. It is an incredibly unique-looking beverage, which also tastes great. The drink primarily serves as a cold blend of tea, juices, fruit, and yummy tapioca pearls. While it started as a cold beverage, several versions of the boba tea now make use of hot milk. As a way to market its signature look, these beverages are always served in transparent cups, along with a very fat straw that enables you to gulp down the delicious boba balls. The tea is aptly named, as the bubble in the name, stands not just for the boba balls, but also for the actual bubbles that form due to the vigorous shaking involved in blending the drink.

How Does It Taste?
The boba tea makes for an exciting drink, as it brings together different flavors. One of the best things about the drink is that you can easily mix flavors and come up with great combinations. The pearls or Boba at the bottom have a harder consistency, while the drink itself tends to of medium consistency, not being too watery or too thick. The pearls are also quite chewy, resembling jelly in some ways. Furthermore, since you can add beads of any flavor, it makes for some unusual combinations. When the Boba in the drink is white in color, the entire drink resembles a passion fruit, due to all the colors within the fruit infusion that the blend uses. Also, the beverage, when drunk cold, can really energize you on a hot day. If you insist on a green tea base, the drink contains just enough caffeine to give you a nice energy boost without being too overpowering.
Best Bubble Tea Flavors For You To Try
Honeydew – A melony flavor that goes well with any fruit base, this should be your go-to flavor in case you like fruits. Also, since the flavor is very fruity, it tastes very natural and refreshing on a hot day. Furthermore, since it tastes a little mild, this might be the best flavor to start your bubble tea journey on.
Matcha – In case you are a little health-conscious, you can opt for the Matcha flavor. Renowned for its health benefits, matcha is an excellent choice if you are on a diet, or would like to limit your calories. Also, this flavor really helps the flavor of the tea shine through, giving you a natural and vegetal taste that is unique.
Lychee – The perfect summer drink would be a Lychee boba tea with coconut flavored Boba. Go for this flavor if you like anything citrusy.
Jasmine – One of the rares flavors out there, you should opt for this if you like milder kinds of tea. It also has a smell that will instantly heal you and make you feel better.

I hope this guide helps you pick out the best bubble teas on the market. Since the boba tea migrated to the US, it has stopped being just an Asian thing. In case you have never had one yet, take some time out and get yourself a boba tea to understand what the hype is all about!