How Much Does MyFitnessPal Premium Cost and is it Worth?

The world seems to be viewing health and fitness as essential commodities nowadays. Therefore, there is a new-found interest in dieting and sustaining healthy living. Thanks to the advent of technology, several apps and websites can help us in our fitness journey. One of the most popular of those kinds of apps is the MyFitnessPal app, which helps dieters in multiple ways. MyFitnessPal comes in two variations- free and premium. So, the question is, what benefits does MyFitnessPal Premium provide, and how much does the MyFitnessPal Premium cost? Here’s a look at why you should give MyFitnessPal Premium a try, and how it makes life easier for health enthusiasts. 

How Much Does MyFitnessPal Premium Cost and is it Worth?

What is MyFitnessPal Premium?

MyFitnessPal Premium is essentially one of the world’s best calorie counting apps, as it has a massive food database. Furthermore, it has excellent cross-platform accessibility and contains a sleuth of services and devices which are helpful. Not only does it help with losing weight, but it also enables you to maintain a healthy and fit lifestyle. 

Why Do You Need MyFitnessPal Premium?

With all the great food around us, it is difficult to stick to a diet and lose weight. There is temptation all around us in the form of ice-cream, fast food, and alcohol. Furthermore, the stresses of everyday life and the physically complacent nature of our lives now make things even more difficult. All of this has an effect on our weight, mental and physical health and also our happiness. It isn’t easy to manage your weight, because it is quite easy to lose your way and fall prey to bad eating habits and a sedentary lifestyle. 

A great way to maintain control over what you eat and what you weigh is to keep track of the calories you consume. This is precisely what MyFitnessPal Premium helps you in doing. Working both as a mobile app and website, the MyFitnessPal Premium contains one of the largest food databases out there. Hence, the app helps much in tracking and recording what you eat daily. When the day comes to a close, the MyFitnessPal Premium app collaborates all the data and gives you an insightful report. Such a report will help you reach your target weight by helping you plan your activities better. They also help you manage your diet so that you achieve a calorie deficit by providing useful information related to nutrition. 

How Much Does MyFitnessPal Premium Cost and is it Worth?

MyFitnessPal Premium Cost

MyFitnessPal offers two types of service, free and Premium membership. The MyFitnessPal Premium costs $9.99/month, whereas their annual subscription costs $49.99. While the free account lets you track calories, activity, and weight, the MyFitnessPal Premium offers several other services. The MyFitnessPal Premium helps users understand data regarding nutrition, and gives breakdowns of calories for everything you eat. Therefore, users will be able to keep track of how much macronutrients they are taking in every day. While the Free might be useful to fitness experts and nutritionists, the MyFitnessPal Premium helps every day people lose weight and keep fit.

Furthermore, MyFitnessPal Premium gets rid of annoying advertisements while adding nutritional info. You also get to customize the MyFitnessPal Premium app by choosing calorie goals and fitness goals. Also, users have the option of exporting CSV files containing essential data related to their fitness journey. Users even get access to motivational videos, recipes, and other fitness workout videos. 

MyFitnessPal Premium Cost vs Other Apps

When compared to other apps, MyFitnessPal Premium cost seems reasonable when you subscribe annually, and a little high if you do it every month. The Noom charges $59 every month along with a $20 starter fee, making it the most expensive counterpart. This app offers food logging, articles of health and access to support groups. While Noom serves as a weight loss program, MyFitnessPal Premium is a lot more flexible. Also, both Noom and WeightWatchers have an elaborate sign-up plan, which can be quite time-consuming.

WeightWatchers take up $20 per month, with the signup fee amounting to $20, and early cancellation leading to $40. The app has an active community behind it and also offers one-on-one coaching and other such programs. Similarly, the MayoClinic Diet costs $59 for every three months, and they provide highly detailed meal plans. However, they have no support group or community, and also don’t have an application that can run on the phone. Also, this isn’t a good choice if you have food restrictions and special requirements because finding substitutes isn’t easy.

Another competitor is the Jillian Michaels App which costs $14.99 per month. It offers guided workouts and calorie counting tools. Similarly, 8fit costs $24.99 per month and does most of the things that the Michaels App does, but at a heftier price. 

How MyFitnessPal Premium Works

You start by giving the app some personal information, and the app sets itself up quite quickly. The app then fixes your ideal daily calorie intake based on the info you provided. You can then choose whether you want to lose, gain or maintain weight. Further questions deal with how fast you want to lose or gain weight, following which the app devises a plan for you. After this, the app helps you in keeping track of calories via food logging technology. Once you are done, every day, the app prepares and shares a report with you. The report shows you how much weight you will lose if you eat the way you did that day. This is an immensely useful service as it helps you gauge how tough, smooth and time-consuming your weight loss or weight gain journey will be. Furthermore, the app also gives you a warning if you skip too many meals, preventing you from over-exerting yourself. 

How Much Does MyFitnessPal Premium Cost and is it Worth?

Is the MyFitnessPal Premium Cost Justified?

It sure looks like the MyFitnessPal Premium cost is worth it. The app helps you stay healthy and fit more efficiently than ever before. The premium version enables you to customize your macro goals daily. It also allows users to set a daily calorie goal, breakdown each meal you eat and set calorie goals for your meals.

All in all, MyFitnessPal Premium helps you stay fit, active, and healthy. By engaging in consistent food logging, you will be able to lose or gain weight systematically and healthily. Using such apps make you more knowledgeable when it comes to food choices, habits, and even dieting as a whole. So, go ahead, get yourself a membership, and watch as you turn your life around!

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