What Is the Sculpt Society?

America has been embracing the fitness revolution with open arms. In the last few years, there have been so many such revolutions. By large, this has been because the public became more aware of health and fitness. However, if we are honest, we usually find two kinds of people at these workout sessions and gyms. One set wants to have a lot of fun at these sessions while working up a set, but only come occasionally.

Meanwhile, the other group is dedicated souls who diligently come to the class regularly to work up a sweat. While the people working out were mainly split like this before, one particular workout revolution is trying to bring both these people together. This is where Sculpt Society comes into the picture! Here’s a look at everything you need to know about how Sculpt Society works, and why it’s become the next big thing in fitness!

What Is the Sculpt Society?

What is Sculpt Society?

As I said, earlier Sculpt Society aims to bridge the gap between the two types of fitness enthusiasts. It is an entertaining routine, the kind the first set would love, but it is made for the second group as it is a constant effort routine. The session starts with a fun dance cardio routine that gets everyone pumping. It then moves into strength training exercises, with the help of sliding disks. These exercises help in building abs, your legs, and then back to abs again. If you want to make the sessions harder, you can opt to add ankle weights, which make them more intensive. The leg exercises help each leg individually by building muscle and increasing strength. Finally, the session ends with another great round of heart cardio, which is fun and entertaining. 

Why It Works

  • The strength training exercises and leg lifts really help you work up a sweat. Therefore, they are excellent cardio exercises, which also help you build muscle and grow stronger. 
  • While you sculpt your legs, your heart rate is already quite high. In many ways, these sessions work the way HIIT classes do. 
  • You work your heart up to a high beating rate, then let it relax, and then work it up again in rhythmic cycles, which allow your body to energize and recoup. 
  • Even when you do the slower exercises that look easy, you are sweating profusely, making the entire workout a lot more intense.
What Is the Sculpt Society?

How the Classes Occur

The Sculpt Studio venture was started and is run by dancer-turned-fitness trainer Megan Roup. The class takes up around 50 minutes, and you can enroll for the courses from the Energi studio situated close to New York’s Union Square. Another great location is the Project by Equinox, where Sculpt Studios classes are held regularly. In the beginning, when she did not have a lot of students, she used to teach the classes herself. Today, however, most of her classes are jam-packed, and so she has four additional trainers to help her. If you want a quieter, less intense session, you can opt for the mat or bench class concentrating on lower-intensity workouts. 

What Is the Sculpt Society?

The music for the dance cardio are remixes to hit numbers that you will have a lot of fun singing along to. The mix is killer, and people generally have a lot of fun during these sessions, thanks to the great music on offer. Roup also often jokes that she feels half her job is being a good DJ for the class. Roup has a lot of loyalists who come five days a week for her sessions. While the moves in the flow remain constant, her strength training routines and sculpting blocks change every week. However, it stays the same for 7 days. The regulars, therefore, get the hang of the combination and, hence, focus on their form.

Sculpt Studio Community

Due to her classes having some constant and some changing routines, it works for everyone. People who go for the classes regularly end up learning their routines very fast. Therefore, most of them can lead a session after a week’s worth of lessons. However, the moves do not seem as repetitive as they change occasionally. Also, since the strength training and sculpting routines are different, that changes the flavor of every session. Therefore, in many ways, the exercise has helped build a community of Sculptors. This makes even people who switch from one class to another want to stay on, to feel a part of the tribe. 

What makes The Sculpt Society Special? 

  • It is insanely fun to participate as it reminds you of Jane Fonda and Richard Simmons’s classes.
  • Simple dance moves like grapevine, box step, and jumps are trendy and easy to follow.
  • The classes have a powerful and positive vibe and ethos,
  • There’s no yelling, belittling, body-shaming, or pressure of any kind, making it a safe environment for women with body positivity issues.
  • The community has several groups of positive women who work together to spread the word regarding the community.
  • The dance cardio session is fun and simple enough for even non-dancers to pick up and enjoy.
  • It serves as the perfect combination of Zumba, SoulCycle, lunges, planks, glute exercises, and barre class. 
  • Most of the moves they introduce are interesting and a lot more fun than normal squats. 
  • The app allows you to do these exercises yourself from the comfort of your home, making it accessible to thousands of people. 

The Sculpt Society Classes Available

Special Classes

  • Seven 30-minute dance cardio
  • Seven 45-minute full-body exercises
  • Ten 30-minute sculpt classes.

Quickie Classes

  1. Three full-body 
  2. Seven abs exercises
  3. Twelve butt classes
  4. Four dance cardio classes
  5. Six arms classes
  6. Nine legs classes

two women working out

As Americans are on the lookout for innovative classes and exercise routines, it is no wonder that The Sculpt Society became such a huge hit. Infectious music, coupled with an energized instructor and easy lessons, make these exercises fit for everyone. Better yet, the community is growing and expanding faster than ever before, picking up legions of fans every month. The workouts are a lot of fun and very different, making them enjoyable to do. Megan too has an infectious energy about her that just makes you want to try it out. So the next time you are feeling too tired to hit the gym, try a Sculpt Studio session instead and dance your way into fitness!

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