Noom Yellow Food List

Noom owes its huge following, even among celebrities, to its unique approach to healthy weight loss and long-term weight and health management. The Noom program is not only about holding a person accountable for what they eat through proper food tracking; it is also designed to encourage the person to evaluate their behaviors so they can develop and sustain healthier habits. 

Noom’s food tracking feature is the program’s main tool for weight loss. Noom goes beyond simple calorie counting with its color-coded food classification based on calorie density. In essence, Noom’s focus is not on the number of calories alone, but on the quality of calories. 

Noom Yellow Food List

Noom’s Color-Coded Food List

Based on Noom’s classification, Green foods are low-calorie dense foods, or foods with the lowest amount of calories based on volume; Yellow foods are moderately dense; and Red foods have a high calorie density. No food is off-limits on the Noom diet; but the program encourages members to make the bulk of their daily diet Green and keep to a minimum Red foods. 

Because Green foods have a low calorie density, you can eat a lot of it and stay within your daily calorie requirement. Low-calorie density foods are also highest in nutrient density so you will also be maximizing your nutrient intake. Yellow foods, being moderately dense in calories, should also be consumed in moderation. And you will have to keep closer track of your calorie intake with Yellow foods. 

You do not have to follow a strict diet on Noom. The program is designed to reward you for eating more of the Green foods – wholesome, nutrient-dense, and with low calorie density; and to help you learn better portion control when including Red foods or ingredients in your diet so as to limit caloric blowback. 

When it comes to Yellow foods, Noom only encourages eating less of them compared to Green foods. On their own, Yellow foods are healthy; but they are still more calorie dense than Green, hence their second tier classification. You can eat Yellow regularly, but you have to make sure that you are still eating more Green. Noom can also help you find a Green substitute for a Yellow ingredient. 

Noom Yellow Food List

Noom’s Yellow food list includes:

  • Lean protein, including tuna, salmon, turkey breast, and grilled chicken
  • Low-fat milk and yogurt, plus eggs, and other cheeses
  • Legumes: Black beans and chickpeas
  • Healthy fats: Avocado and olives
  • Grains like quinoa and couscous, plus alternatives like whole grain tortillas

Noom Yellow Food List

Green foods include:

  • Hearty veggies: Carrots, sweet potatoes, spinach, broccoli, cucumbers
  • Fruits: Apples, strawberries, oranges, blueberries, apples, bananas, tomatoes
  • Healthy dairy: Non-fat cheese and non-fat greek yogurt
  • Whole grains sides like brown rice and oatmeal, plus alternatives like tofu and almond milk

Noom Yellow Food List

Red foods include:

  • Processed meat: Ham, bacon, salami
  • Oils: Olive oil, coconut oil, and avocado oil
  • Mayonnaise, ranch, and other heavy condiments
  • Guilty pleasures: Pizza, hamburgers, fries, chocolate
  • Sugar, including sources like fruit juice

Noom Yellow Food List

You will keep track of how much Green, Yellow, and Red foods you are eating daily using Noom’s extensive food database. It will use its nutrient and calorie information to calculate the calorie density of a food based on the amount you consumed. This means logging every single ingredient/food you eat and being honest about how much you eat. But as you become more inclined towards Green and learn more about healthy eating, the process also becomes simpler. 

Because there are zero foods that are off-limits on Noom, you will not feel like you’re depriving yourself. You can indulge your craving (Yellow and/or Red) as long as you still fill up on highly nutritious foods (Green). You will learn to find the right balance in your diet so that you can confidently satisfy your guilty pleasures while still staying fit and healthy. 

This is one of the reasons why a lot of people achieve their weight-loss goals through the Noom program – the plan is doable because it is realistic. And as you learn more about your eating habits and where and how to make the necessary changes to achieve your goal and, eventually, simply maintain a healthy weight, you will be able to sustain your healthier lifestyle long-term and even after you have completed the Noom program. 

Final Thoughts

Unlike traditional diet programs, Noom does not promote calorie restriction as a healthy diet strategy; rather, it promotes healthy eating as a lifestyle. Its innovative approach to weight loss involves a combination of accountability in food choices and making behavioral changes that you can sustain for life. 

Noom was designed by a team of nutritionists, dietitians, fitness experts, and psychologists. The program takes a more comprehensive approach to weight loss and emphasizes the adoption of long-term healthy habits. 

Noom’s unique food classification makes it easier to make better food choices. Through daily food tracking, you’ll also learn about your eating patterns and your food triggers. Noom will help you manage these triggers to keep you on track. 

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