Since most people are rearing to get out of their homes, now is an excellent time to start thinking about investing in your fitness. Being fit requires a combination of healthy eating, a conscious effort, and regular exercise. Getting your body into shape requires a tremendous amount of discipline, hard work, and motivation. Sometimes, people find it easier to get those things from gyms, as gyms provide you with the right environment to work on yourself. For instance, a gym has all the equipment which will help you train consistently, has instructors who can offer advice, and is an investment. Therefore, once you know you’ve paid for a gym, you end up taking time off and investing time and effort on yourself. However, choosing the right gym is of paramount importance here. To help you choose, here’s a look at a list of the best gyms in the US!

Best Gyms in the US
Crossfit DC- Washington DC.
Crossfit DC is the clear winner in Washington, thanks to their eccentric exercises and exceptional personal care. The gym is famous for providing the best advice, promoting an overall fitness routine, and have the most optimum class sizes. Furthermore, every customer gets the care they need and deserve from their array of trained professionals, who are always happy to lend a helping hand.
Throwback Fitness – NYC
The top gym that New Yorkers have access to is, without a doubt, Throwback Fitness. The team has their gym featured in several fitness and lifestyle magazines and is a massive hit with the public. The success of the brand is the result of years of hard work by Ryan Wilke and Brian Gallagher, co-founders of this brand. Throwback is a fun, competitive place where people work out in 45-min sessions, offering comprehensive training and full-body workouts.
Stone Summit Fitness Center – Atlanta
This top-rated fitness center in Atlanta boasts a mammoth climbing wall and offers membership to people of all ages. They have a massive complex that features several different types of fitness routines and exercises. For instance, other than rock climbing, the center also promotes yoga and pilates. Due to the friendly environment, massive climbing arena, and experienced instructors, this center promises to make your sessions as fun as possible!

Tiger’s Den Crossfit – Dallas
Tiger’s Den is famous for its grueling workouts that push your body to the extreme. This center is the highest-rated gym in Dallas, and rightfully so, thanks to their great staff and equipment. The gym offers various training programs, such as CrossFit and barbell. The gym also has a tiered training system that helps keep track of members and their progress.
Redbike Studios -Miami
Founder Albert Ghitis, who also serves as their CEO opines that Redbike is not just a spinning studio, but offers so much more. They offer rhythm-based workouts from a darkened room that resembles a club. Therefore, most people feel like they are out on Saturday night rather than working up a sweat. Furthermore, the club provides a 360-degree approach to well-being and fitness and has two in-house nutritionists and a smoothie bar. Free parking, a great juice bar, and brilliant instructors have helped propel this studio to the top of the charts in Miami.
Foundation Crossfit -Seattle
Crossfit is located in the heart of Seattle, within the Capitol Hill neighborhood, and is a testament to wellness and good living. The gym has a sleuth of great reviews on Yelp, thanks to their fitness-conscious mindset and various training options. Crossfit provides both personal and group training and also provides nutritional counseling.
Best Gym Brands
Life Time Fitness: A luxury fitness gym that will cost you around $105 for a subscription, this is often regarded as America’s deluxe gym. They have a presence in over 28 states, with more than 141 state-of-the-art gyms. They offer a vast array of equipment, TRX suspension trainers, large community training areas, and great trainers.
Gold’s Gym: If you are a serious lifter, then Gold’s might be one of the best choices you have. They offer large dumbbells, weighing over 140 pounds, kettlebells, heavy bags, and even tires to flip! However, since they are a franchise, your experience in their gyms can vary according to the efficiency of the location you visit. They have high customer satisfaction rates, thanks to affordable fees, great instructors, and decent equipment.

Anytime Fitness: In case you are someone who travels a lot, Anytime might be the most suitable option for you. Their travel-friendly feature allows members to make use of any of their 3,000-plus locations. They are regarded as the industry’s fastest-expanding franchise. However, sometimes this can lead to a lack of consistency in quality.
24 Hour Fitness: They have a presence in over 13 states with more than 400 great locations. The locations are also very liter-friendly, providing several heavy lifting options. However, like with most franchises, quality depends on how much effort a particular location’s owner has put into place.
How to Choose the Right Gym?
- First and foremost, ask yourself if you really need a gym membership. A lot of people can do just as well by working out at home. This might be true, especially for men and women who only want to lose a couple of pounds.
- You could consider working out at home or using your office’s or community center’s free gym to save up on the cost.
- Once you have made up your mind about joining, you need to think about why you want to join and find your real reasons. If you’re going to build more muscle, then you should look for gyms with lifting options. Similarly, if you want endurance training, you should look for gyms that specialize in that aspect.
- List out everything that is a MUST-HAVE for you, and then filter the gyms near you with that list in mind. Must-have lists can include a spacious free-weight area, foam rolling option, heavy lifting capacity, or even a good shower.
- Always check reviews on social media before you finalize your choice. Check their feed to see how regularly they post, how many followers they have, and how many events they organize. This will also help you understand whether all their marketing claims are valid. You can also see more honest client reviews and even ask around to people in that space.
- Always ask for a free trial before you sign the deal, to ensure you have made the right choice.
- Try to go to a gym that is closer to your home or office. Choosing a place very far away makes you more prone to skip sessions.

In this guide, we have tried to list out the best gyms in the US, so that you folks can decide which one to use to get back in shape. There are a lot of factors that help determine how good a gym is. They include the equipment in the gym, services they provide, or the quality of their instructors. Whatever your reasons may be, make sure you pick an excellent gym so that you feel motivated. As we have seen, choosing the right gym for yourself can make all the difference. Therefore, go through this list carefully, weight out all your options, and make the right call. Happy working out, guys!