What Is Tenzo Matcha?

Tea has been a staple drink for people all around the world for millions of years now. What started as small cultivation somewhere around the 10th century in China has now become a large enterprise. Green tea has long been hailed as a great, nutritious beverage as it contains many essential nutrients. However, the most famous and beneficial green tea is the matcha tea that is now gaining popularity around the world. The most renowned matcha is grown in the southern parts of Japan, particularly in Uji, Nishio, and Shizuoka. Several famous brands now produce, market, and sell matcha tea around the world. Today, we will be taking a look at one of the most popular of such brands- Tenzo. Tenzo Tea is a global brand, famous for its high-quality matcha. So, how good is Tenzo matcha, and what are the benefits that it provides? Here’s a look at everything you need to know about Tenzo matcha.

What Is Tenzo Matcha?

What is Tenzo Matcha?

Tenzo Tea is a multinational company that exports and sells 100% pure, organic matcha tea powder. Most of their ceremonial matcha comes from Kagoshima in Japan. Their matcha tea is regarded as one of the finest in the world as it is handcrafted by a 12th generation tea master. The tea master and his family have been engaged in the art of growing tea for over 400 years. The word ‘Tenzo’ means ‘Heavenly Monk’ in Japanese, and is a title reserved for the chiefs of Japanese monasteries. The name is given to the chief monk who is in charge of arranging meals for the community. 

What Is Tenzo Matcha?

Benefits of Tenzo Matcha 

  • Matcha contains large amounts of natural caffeine, which allows you to improve your focus and energy. Furthermore, having just one cup a day will help you boost your energy and stay more focused.
  • L-theanine found in matcha helps in reducing mental and physical stress.
  • Polyphenols in matcha serve as a defense against free radicals that destroy tissue and fibers.
  • Antioxidants are found in large amounts in matcha, helping improve your immune system.
  • Matcha also does wonders for your skin by reducing inflammation and preventing premature aging.

Tenzo Matcha at Home

Tenzo matcha is one of the best quality matcha in the world, and it costs you less than $1 per serving. So, how do you make Tenzo matcha at home?

  • Mix 1/2 tsp of the matcha powder into either water or milk.
  • While you might have it cold, traditionally, it is served hot.
  • Make sure you boil the water or milk and then let it cool to around 80-degree celsius before adding the powder.
  • If you want to get creative, you can make a whole of different types of tea using just matcha powder and milk.
  • By adding cream, you can turn the tea into a smoothing or milkshake.
  • You can also add the Tenzo matcha into foods such as bread, rolls, and even cakes. 
  • All you would need to do in such cases is add the matcha powder to the flour while mixing it to make the batter.

Tenzo Matcha Tea Offers

  • Deluxe Matcha: Contains 1 pack matcha powder + bamboo whisk + porcelain whisk stand + bamboo scooper + Tenzo matcha bottle with 30gms costing $65, and 100gms for $90.
  • Tenzo Matcha: Contains 1 pack matcha powder + bamboo whisk + porcelain whisk stand + bamboo scooper with 30gms costing $45, and 100gms for $70.
  • Tenzo Organic Matcha: Contains 30gms matcha for $21.99 and 100gm pack, which retails for$46.99 for a one-time purchase, whereas subscription will get you the 30g for $17.59, and 100g for $37.59.

Tenzo Matcha Nutritional Information

Here’s the nutritional information for one teaspoon of Tenzo matcha green tea powder, which weighs about 1 gram.

Sl NoNutrientValue
1Calories5 kcal
2Fat0 gms
3Sodium0 gms
4Fiber1 gms
5Protein0 gms

Also, Tenzo matcha green tea powder contains 1/3rd of the caffeine that coffee contains. One cup of coffee contains over 90 mg of caffeine, whereas Tenzo matcha includes 36 mg of caffeine. Therefore, while a cup of matcha provides you with an instant burst of energy, it does not lead to a caffeine rush which results in insomnia and other sleep-cycle related issues.

Significant Differences Between Tenzo Matcha and Other Green Teas

  1. Tenzo matcha is the first flush green tea leaves while other green teas may utilize second and even through leaves.
  2. Matcha is made using the newest buds, whereas other regular green teas use more mature leaves.
  3. The leaves which make up the Tenzo matcha powder are shade-grown, whereas regular green tea does not grow away from the sun.
  4. It is more expensive when compared to regular green tea as the window for its growth and harvesting is very limited.
  5. As it grows in the shade during its tender stage, the leaves contain more chlorophyll and nutrients than other tea leaves.
  6. Matcha leaves are treated with steam to prevent further oxidation so that they retain their vibrant emerald color.
  7. While regular green tea is rolled and shaped, matcha tea leaves are laid flat to dry.
  8. Similarly, while regular green tea leaves are milled, matcha tea leaves are ground using stone, with the process taking over one hour to create just 30 grams of Matcha.
What Is Tenzo Matcha?

What’s the Difference Between Tenzo and Other Matcha?

As per the company’s claims, most matcha tea that is available in the market is bitter and grainy. Furthermore, the powder tends to be astringent and dull-colored, requiring you to add extra sweeteners to make it taste better. However, adding additives like that results in lowering the nutritional value of the beverage in itself. As Tenzo works with tea makers who are experienced and specialize in the art of growing matcha, they produce superior quality matcha. Therefore, Tenzo matcha ends up tasting good, without the requirement of any natural or artificial additives, making it a lot healthier. Tenzo also prides itself on producing first flush ceremonial matcha, which utilizes the youngest and most healthy shade-grown tea leaves. Their tea comes from Kagoshima in Japan, wherein the volcanic soil is conducive to the growth of matcha. 

As per the company, the higher price that Tenzo sells their tea for is justified due to the efforts they take to maintain a minimum quality. Furthermore, the company believes that it does provide competitive pricing as their tea costs less than a dollar for a serving. Additionally, when you apply for a pack order, the company sends you a free whisk so that you have the required tools to make excellent matcha tea. Also, while the company does not provide free samples, they do offer a 30-day money-back guarantee.

What Is Tenzo Matcha?

The next time you want a sweet relaxing drink that is also quite healthy, brew yourself a cup of Tenzo Matcha tea. Not only will you feel energized and refreshed, but your skin will also thank you for it later on. What’s your favorite Matcha tea brand? Whatever it may be, incorporate Matcha tea into your life to switch to a more sustainable and healthier lifestyle!

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