Losing weight, especially fast and safe, does not need to be difficult. Most training programs, diets, and plans out there can provide quick weight loss, but often times you are for the most part starving your body and can bring you down. Many programs similar to this are difficult to keep up with. When you are looking to to lose weight fast and safe, a better plan is that you get something to follow consistently each day, and that you are not depriving yourself. That way you’ll have the motivation to stick to your plan and when you drop the weight you’ll keep it off.
Here we’ve prepared a few steps on how to shed weight fast and safe.
Be Focused and Realistic
The first step to losing weight fast and safe is to be practical. Don’t start out with the idea of taking off 50 or 105 pounds in a 2 – 3 months, this would be very tough and likely unsustainable. Instead, set a few small goals for example losing 2 – 4 pounds bi-weekly. That way you will focus on realistic milestones. Every week that you hit your fat loss goals you will become more focused on reset your goals and achieve them again the next week.
List out your concrete goals on post-its and put them in and around your house and office – your next to your bed, etc. This will help you keep track of your goal and staying dedicated all the time.
When it comes to cutting out types of foods or selecting a good diet plan – be practical as to what is sustainable. Cutting out sweets or a certain food for a month and a half may give you the instant weight loss effect you are craving but it won’t carry on in the future.
Cut The Carbs – Healthy Fats and Protein
One issue that those working to lose weight fast and safe have is carbs. Refined sugars like soda, candy, and bread are the a big struggle when it comes to losing weight fast and safe. Although bread and sweets seem like trivial things, they only have things that are only bad for you. Simply not eating these types of drinks and food will have a life changing impact on your weight loss goals in as little as a few days.
Consuming a decent serving of protein each day is extremely important. Protein can help you develop lean muscle and increase your metabolism that will not only destroy your fat but help you keep fat off. Foods such as eggs, fish and chicken, are perfect nutritious foods that will fill you up while providing you with the protein you need to fuel your body for fat loss. Aim – 38 grams of protein per meal, while only having 20 – 55 grams of carbs a day.
Though uncommon knowledge, it’s not necessarily that fats that are bad – you have to control your carb intake. Some great sources of fat include avocado oil, nuts, and olive oil.
Especially for fast and safe weight loss, pair your fats and proteins with very low carb vegetables like kale, spinach, and tomatoes.
Exercise – Weights and Cardio
Even Though working out the most effective way to weight loss it can definitely help speed up the process. It’s not just about losing weight working out can l help with stress and energy levels along with sleep. The golden rule to losing weight is to burn more calories than you’re consuming – eating healthier helps with this, and exercise get your metabolism going in turn helping you lose weight faster.
One thing to keep in mind when you are working to lose weight fast and safe that you don’t overdo it on the exercise especially the first weeks. At the end of the day it’s engage in a few workouts that you can do consistently each day and not over work your body and get turned off with one hard exercise session.
When trying to lose weight fast and safe, aim to work out 2 – 5 times each week. Even just 10 – 25 minutes can be extremely beneficial for your weight loss and overall health. A mix of cardio and weights can make a big difference. Cardio doesn’t mean hundreds of jumping jacks – find what works for you. Other forms of cardio include:
- Brisk walk around the neighborhood
- Cycling / biking
- Swimming
- Stairs
- Elliptical
- Hiking
Weight training doesn’t necessarily mean weighted squats and bench pressing. If you’re just getting into it, get a few light hand held weights and grip them while you do squats or lunges. You can use the same dumbbells to practice deadlifts and many other exercises. Getting any exercise in would be greatly beneficial.
Cheat Days and Refeeds
Healthy low carb diets will definitely help you lose weight fast and safe, but we all deserve a cheat day. Set aside one day a week or 2 – 3 meals a week to refeed. If you’ve been good about your diet and exercising each week these refeeds are both motivating and rewarding.
You may gain some weight back on these days, but don’t get discouraged because as long as you restrict it to these days you’ll shed the added weight a day or two after, pretty easily and quickly. It’s probably just water weight you gained.
6 Simple Tips
To simplify, here are 6 simple things you can do to lose weight fast and safe.
- Drink 14 oz of h20 20 – 30 minutes before each meal. Not only is water great for you, but drinking this much water right before a meal will fill you up dramatically decreasing your feed in take, in turn helping you lose weight fast and safe.
- Cut refined sugar, soda, and juices. Cut pasta, bread and other refunded sugars. These are essentially empty calories.
- 30 – 38 grams of protein per meal. Larger protein means more lean muscle and the more calories you intake from protein, less you’ll crave from carbs to feel full.
- Weigh yourself every day and write it down. This will keep you both motivated and accountable. Be sure to weigh yourself at the same time each day as your weight will fluctuate based on how much you’re eating or drinking throughout the day.
- Sleep. Sleep helps regulate your hormones and metabolism. Not enough sleep can destroy body’s ability to burn calories and process food.
- Workout 3 – 4 days a week. Exercising regularly will help you regulate your metabolism, help with sleep and burn extra calories.
If you’re sticking to a consistent, healthy, weight loss plan you can definitely expect to lose weight fast and safe. The first week of your fitness journey you’ll likely lose the most weight as you’re essentially shocking your system. You can lose up to 2 – 9 pounds the first few weeks, a lot of which is water weight. After this initial period, expect to lose 2 – 5 pounds each week, but don’t get discouraged. As long as you are regularly shedding pounds and feeling good, you’re on the right path. This is a healthy weight loss progression and any more can be unrealistic and even unhealthy.
All in all losing weight a lifestyle, and you should feel motivated doing it. Find a plan, stay on it and you’ll hit all of your weight loss goals, fast and safe! Happy health!
Losing weight fast and safe is easier than ever with Modern Fit. The custom meal and fitness plans are based on your lifestyle, meaning you will lose weight quickly but safely. Sign up for a 7-day trial today!