Weight Loss After 30

It’s a well-known fact that as we grow older our bodies start to change and it can be challenging to shed pounds, particularly after 30. As our bodies age often times, we’re told to watch the food we eat, to workout more, and to become more health-conscious. Busy work schedule, lower metabolisms, and just life in general can get in the way of any kind of weight loss program. Having said that, there are a few things you can do to get on a diet plan after 30.

Prioritize Protein

Protein is by far the most essential macro nutrients in your diet. It can help build lean muscle mass and essential for the body’s function. Unlike carbohydrates more protein is both beneficial and better for your diet. Proteins are especially great in the morning. Ditch cereal or cereal bars for higher protein options like eggs or even a high protein low carb protein bar. Peanut butter and Salmon lox are two other terrific sources of protein in the morning. Space out your protein intake to ensure you feel full and energized throughout the day. With this – aim for 25 – 35 grams of protein each meal. This will definitely make you feel fuller each meal, limiting your cravings for carbs and fats.

weight loss after 30

Soda, Alcohol, and other Empty Drinks

Some people in their 30s that think they eat healthy and get a respectable amount of workout still find it difficult to lose weight because of juice, alcohol and soda. The majority of these drinks provide no nutrients, and are also essential empty calories. A mixed drink or glass of wine can often contain 230 – 330 calories. Juices like orange and apple juice aren’t different. Aim to limit your consumption of these kinds of drinks to special occasions, and limit having them daily.

Water and Hydration

Related to drinks, water is essentially the most vital and often looked over drinks for folks in their 30s. Drinking water before and during meals will help you feel full which means you eat less. One tip is to drink 1 – 2 glasses of water before your meal to help yourself feel full. Besides fullness, drinking a good amount of water will also help cleanse your system and keep your skin looking youthful.

weight loss after 30

Sleeping To Weight

As we grow older more responsibilities may it be at work, school, or at home can often result in more stress and less sleep. Sleep is critical function of helping your overall wellbeing while also helping with your metabolic function. Getting at least 7 hours of sleep every night will help your metabolism function and your body recovery properly. In addition, try not to eat large meals before going to bed because you don’t want to put your system into overdrive digesting the food when it’s really time to wind down.

Exercise – Cardio and Weights

With how busy life can be in your 30s, exercising regularly can be difficult. It’s important that you try to get at least 25-35 minutes of some sort of physical exercise in at least 4 days a week. A variety of weight lifting and cardio tends to make the biggest impact on your weight loss and to your aging. Now these physical exercise sessions don’t need to be too difficult. It’s more important that you try some type of exercise every other day, rather than doing 1 workout 1 day a week and destroying your motivation and body. Maybe go on a 10-minute walk after lunch and dinner. Place light dumbbells throughout the house and lift them every time you walk past them. You can even get it out of the way early by having a easy routine of push ups, squats and or sit ups in the morning. All in all, getting some sort of exercise in throughout the week is essential to weight-loss in your 30s.

weight loss after 30

High Intensity Workouts and Interval Training

If you want to get a good sweat in but don’t have the time, check out high intensity interval training. Essentially short bursts of exercise without too much rest in between sessions. This can get your blood flowing, heart rate pumping, and your body to blast fat. Here’s one particular great HIIT routine:

  • 1-minute sprint
  • 20 arm circles
  • 20 burpees
  • 20 high knees
  • Repeat 3 times


Finding friends especially ones that are also 30 are a good way to get motivated for weight loss. With life, work, sometimes kids and many other things that can get in the way, spending time with friends is valuable – doing it through some kind of physical activity is invaluable. As opposed to getting drinks or coffee consider going on a hike, or a walk around the neighborhood. Instead of watching a movie go for a bike ride or a swim. You’ll see that working out with friends is both motivating and beneficial to you both – many times, it makes the workout less difficult and more rewarding.

weight loss after 30


A more modern trend in weight loss for people in their 30s is intermittent fasting. Consider restricting your intake of food and drinks (except for water-H20) to only 8 – 12 hours a day. This allows your body to metabolize food and use stored fat for energy rather than the meal you just consumed. It’s also perfect for your insulin levels and hormones which are things that start to change when you get into your 30s. Restricting your eating routine will also help you curb your appetite overtime and avoid high calorie, low nutrient snacks like chips.

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