Mayo Clinic Diet: Lose it! Live it!

If you please your body with nutritional foods and regular training activity, your body, in turn, rewards you with a healthy lifestyle which you had longed for. For many years people are using the mayo clinic diet due to the amazing results they observed. The mayo clinic diet provides a weight loss pyramid which has got fruits and vegetables as its foundation food that can be consumed in unlimited quantities.

Mayo Clinic Diet: Lose it! Live it!

What is a Mayo Clinic Diet?

The mayo clinic diet is an official diet created by a group of weight-loss medical experts from the mayo clinic. The main purpose of this diet is to remold people’s lifestyle by practicing new habits and cutting out the unhealthy ones. This diet makes enjoyable changes in the lifestyle by balancing your daily meals to reduce your weight and is made suitable for following it for the rest of your life.

The mayo clinic diet focuses on changing your daily routines, adding and breaking some practices that make you lose weight, and appreciate it for the rest of your lifetime. Some healthy habits to be cultivated are:

  • Avoid watching television while eating 
  • Moving your body at least for 30 minutes per day
  • Consumption of fruits and vegetables

The mayo clinic diet is mainly divided into two major phases:

Lose it!

In the first place, you would take a two-week weight-loss plan in which you will be able to lose about 10 pounds of weight safely and healthily. The primary phase focuses on losing weight and promotes healthy habits that are associated with weight. This phase helps you with a quick result that motivates you towards the next phase.

Live it!

The second phase is for a lifetime goal that promotes some habits which help to maintain weight-loss for life. You will be able to experience a constant weight loss of about 1 to 2 pounds a week. It guides you to choose the foods you eat, plan your menu, and follow healthy practices. 

Healthy weight pyramid:

The mayo clinic pyramid helps you to make healthy and smart choices in choosing your food. The pyramid encourages you to eat more foods that are found at the base rather than the top. The base contains low calorie, but large volume of foods, specifically fruits, and vegetables. This helps you to feel full by eating only a few calories of food. The most satisfying part of the pyramid is that specific foods are not cut out but helps you balance them.

Physical activity:

The mayo clinic diet also provides you with sensible ideas for physical activities for the whole day. This diet recommends you to have at least 30 minutes of workout every day but the more you work out, the more weight you will lose. Keep your body active throughout the day by some practices like climbing the stairs rather than using an elevator. If you are a beginner you can initially start with 5 to 10 minutes of workout and then gradually increase the time.

Mayo Clinic Diet: Lose it! Live it!

The Mayo Clinic Diet Food List

The mayo clinic diet provides you six groups of foods that you can consume. The list of foods that you can choose from:

  • Fruits
  • Vegetables
  • Lean proteins such as beans and fish
  • Whole grains
  • Unsaturated fats
  • Sweets in small quantity

Sample Mayo Clinic Diet Meal

The mayo clinic diet meal plan has got about 1200 calories per day. You can modify your foods to suit your taste and the number of calories needed.


¾ cup of whole-grain cereal (like oats) + 1 small banana + calorie-free beverage


Tossed salad (which is fat-free) + 1 whole-wheat dinner roll + 1½ teaspoon of butter + ½ cup cubed pineapple + calorie-free beverage


3-ounce seared scallops in 1 teaspoon olive oil + Sweet potato cakes + ½ cup beets + calorie-free beverage

Snacks (anytime):

2 plums + 8 wheat crackers

Why is the Mayo Clinic Diet Preferred?

People prefer the mayo clinic diet in specific because they:

  • Want a diet to adopt for their entire lifetime.
  • Do not want to be specific in counting their calories or eliminate a particular type of food from their diet.
  • Choose to be active and reduce their health risks.
  • Would wish to switch from unhealthy habits to healthy ones.
  • Want a diet formulated by medical professionals.

Consult your health care provider before up taking a weight-loss plan if you have any health concerns.

Health Benefits of the Mayo Clinic Diet

The mayo clinic diet effectively reduces your weight and also reduces other weight-related problems like diabetes, high blood pressure, and heart diseases. You are allowed to eat foods you like in small amounts and even go for a treat once in a while. Eat great foods and start losing your weight.

Mayo Clinic Diet: Lose it! Live it!

Is the Mayo Clinic Diet Safe?

Generally, the mayo clinic diet is safe and healthy for adults. Consumption of fruits and vegetables is good for your health and does not cause any harm to your system. Some people have experienced temporary changes in the digestion, at the early stages like intestinal gas. This is due to the change in food habits and your body adjusts to the new way of eating. Consumption of natural sugar present in fruits does not affect your carbohydrates intake but may temporarily raise your blood sugar levels. If you have diabetes or any other health concerns contact your doctor to adjust the diet plan according to your health condition. 

The mayo clinic diet is the one which doctors or health care providers recommend because the diet stresses eating healthy eating and daily workouts to shape your body. This diet will not be costly but you will need to spend your time at the grocery stores and cook at home. If you are sincere to this diet you will be able to see great results. There are many fad diets out which keeps you confusing, be wise to make decisions that would suit your healthy lifestyle.

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